Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

POSTED BY: Asmâa Methqal

POSTED BY: Asmâa Methqal

UPDATED ON: July 25, 2024

Do you feel overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout? If so, you may need to prioritize your yin energy.

In today’s fast-paced world, where busy schedules and productivity dictate our success, it can be all too easy to lose touch with our feminine energy. This energy is about flow, intuition, and being rather than constant doing. These qualities are valuable for everyone, regardless of gender. So, it becomes crucial for our inner alignment and well-being to shift from the doing and embrace being, feeling, and receiving.

This is easier said than done, so let’s discover three simple and effective ways to tap into your feminine energy and achieve a healthy balance of your energies.

1. Create Spaciousness in Your Calendar

Tap Into Your Feminine Energy_Fire and Flow Leadership_Create Spaciousness in Your Calendar

The hustle and bustle often pushes us to fill our calendars with back-to-back commitments and tasks. While this structured approach may enhance productivity, it leaves little room for rest and reflection.

Creating spaciousness in your calendar means intentionally setting aside time for being rather than doing. This doesn’t require planning; instead, let it unfold organically as a time for self-reflection rather than action. This practice can help you reconnect with your inner self, tune into your emotions, and maintain a balanced energy flow.

To make this tangible, consider these steps:

  • Daily Quiet Time: Block out 15-30 minutes daily for quiet reflection, self-care, or simply being still. This time allows you to tune into your inner voice and recharge.
  • Weekly Free Blocks: Schedule larger blocks of unstructured time away from your phone each week. Use this time for spontaneous activities, creative pursuits, or simply resting without an agenda.
  • Time Boundary: Protect these time slots as you would any important meeting. Communicate your need for this space to your team, colleagues, and loved ones to ensure it is respected.


This practice nurtures self-care and self-love and brings a refreshing sense of presence and calm into your daily routine.

2. Take Your Pleasure Seriously

Tap Into Your Feminine Energy_Fire and Flow Leadership_Take Your Pleasure Seriously

Incorporating moments of pleasure into your day is essential for tapping into your feminine energy. Pleasure often gets sidelined in our busy lives, yet it holds the key to boosting our mood, sparking creativity, and fostering well-being. Research from the University of Michigan (2020) showed that individuals who engaged in daily activities that pleased them reported higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

Think about what brings you happiness and makes you feel good. It could be as simple as savoring a treat, admiring a sunset, indulging in a bubble bath, or pursuing hobbies like drawing or cooking. The goal is to integrate these moments of pleasure into your day intentionally.

Pleasure Alarms: A Practical Tool

In my work with leaders, I often introduce them to the practice of  “Pleasure Alarms,” a set of one or multiple alarms on your phone that remind you to take pleasure breaks throughout the day. These mini-interruptions in your routine prompt you to engage in a brief but enjoyable activity and be fully present. Keep these pleasure breaks short and sweet, just a few minutes each. The goal is to create consistent moments of joy throughout your day.

3. Move and Groove

Tap Into Your Feminine Energy_Fire and Flow Leadership_Move and Groove

Emotions often get trapped in our bodies, and movement, especially dancing, is one of the most effective ways to release them and energize your body. When you dance, you engage your body and connect deeply with your emotions. Movement helps release built-up energy, leading to a more fluid and expressive state of being.

A study from the University of Hertfordshire (2017) found that dancing can increase endorphin levels, leading to improved mood and emotional well-being. Select music that matches your mood and allow the music to guide your movements, whether it’s a sad song or an upbeat track. Close your eyes, feel the rhythm, and let your body move naturally. The goal is not perfect choreography but expressing yourself authentically.

Here are some simple ways to incorporate movement into your routine;

  • Set aside 5-10 minutes daily to move and dance. This can be through dancing, stretching, or any form of movement that feels good to you.
  • Put on your favorite music and have a spontaneous dance break throughout the day.
  • Let your body move freely without judgment, and focus on how the music makes you feel.
  • Use movement to meditate, release control, and allow your body to move naturally.

Activating your feminine energy through these practices can bring balance, joy, and authentic self-expression to your daily life. Creating spaciousness in your calendar, taking your pleasure seriously, and moving and dancing are simple yet powerful ways to connect and nurture your feminine essence. 

These practices benefit every leader. Try these techniques and observe how they enhance your well-being, presence, and flow.


  • Lyubomirsky, S., & Layous, K. (2020). How do simple positive activities increase well-being? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(1), 57-62. [University of Michigan Study].
  • Murcia, C. Q., Kreutz, G., Clift, S., & Bongard, S. (2017). Shall we dance? An exploration of the perceived benefits of dancing on well-being. Arts & Health, 2(2), 149-163. [University of Hertfordshire Study].

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Ciao Ciao!

I'm Asmâa​ Methqal

I am a global business consultant, top bilingual marketer, and strategic leadership facilitator with over 25 years of experience empowering businesses and leaders worldwide to ignite their businesses with purpose and lead with integrity, influence, and impact with my Fire & Flow Leadership process.

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I'm Asmâa

A global business consultant, bilingual speaker, top marketer, transformational leadership facilitator, author, and unshakable strategist dedicated to unlocking your business and leadership potential.